I scour the web and read a lot of blog posts often . I subscribe to some of the blogs and get their newsletters. I bookmark these articles/ posts a lot . A LOT .
It got me thinking, that I should probably just share some of my favorites with all you interested . These are posts from this week . They range from advice on business to advice on blogs. You pick your favorites :)
smaller box - 4 reasons to get free publicity
Design Sponge - Understanding your competition
The Guardian - Why writers must embrace the social media, no matter the genre
(Although this was published April 14th, I think its a good read )
The Merriweather Council - 4 little things that will make a big difference for your blog
It got me thinking, that I should probably just share some of my favorites with all you interested . These are posts from this week . They range from advice on business to advice on blogs. You pick your favorites :)
Imagination via dazeychic |
Design Sponge - Understanding your competition
The Guardian - Why writers must embrace the social media, no matter the genre
(Although this was published April 14th, I think its a good read )
The Merriweather Council - 4 little things that will make a big difference for your blog