Thursday, April 14, 2011


I mentioned recently, about how much my son enjoyed macaroons for an after school snack . So did his mother and sister. My, they melt in the mouth .They really do ... sigh !

We had chocolate flavored macaroons. ..With its crisp/soft outer shell and delicious creamy filling inside, it tasted like a soft cloud in the mouth . As you can tell, we relished them very much .

This delicious trap is also a bit expensive ..tsk tsk tsk I have to learn to make them . I think I might try this recipe one of these days. But, in the meantime, I enjoyed drawing macaroons -and in different colors/ flavors too .  That's something that doesn't cost me a lot of money :)

Macaroons via Doodle Kreations 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see when you make your own "real" ones. :)
